Sign up here for your next yoga class.
Top Rope ClassWant to start learning the ropes? Sign up for our top rope belaying class. Nonmembers must purchase a day pass as well.
Learn to LeadOur lead clinic includes 6 hours of instruction split into a two part series. The first session of the clinic consists of a lot of verbal instruction including proper clipping techniques, how to manage the rope in different situations, and how to properly catch a fall. At the end of the first day, we practice mock leading on the auto belays with proper clipping technique and rope management. There is a week between the 2 sessions where we encourage climbers to practice the skills they have learned including mock leading in the facility. The second session is more practical application of the skills discussed during the first day. We will practice catching our partner at different heights on the wall and how to give a soft catch.
February Adult Clubs:
2/6- Campus Clinic With Samuel
2/20- Leave No Trace 101 with Chris
2/27- Belay Partner Meet-Up with Alex
Climbing 101This 4 week class will teach you everything you need to know about how to safely navigate our gym, basic climbing technique, and how to develop a basic training plan for climbing.